Learn Blender 3 - Polygon 3D Mesh Explained

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Polygon Mesh - 3D Coordinates

  • There are 3D coordinates based on the XYZ axis

    • There are different conventions in fields and software
      • What axis is up
      • Positive values
      • Right hand and left hand rule
      • Units
      • Clock-wise or counter clockwise
  • Normal is perpendicular to the surface

    • Good for light
      • fresnel effect
  • UV texture

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Learn Blender 3 - Polygon Mesh Vertex Edge Face

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  • Different types of modeling

    • NURBS (non uniform rational basis splines)
      • Was popular for a time because it was smooth/organic (not hard) surface
      • Less intuitive (points were not on the surface)
      • More abstract
      • Due to computation, not always accurately designed
  • Polygon modeling based

    • Look very blocky (or faceted)
    • Computationally expensive and a lot of RAM to deal with all these points
      • Not so these days
    • Now, we can have a lot more points

What does it consists of

  • Points, or vertices (plural of vertex)
  • Edges
  • Faces (can be called a polygon)
    • All polygons are made of triangles


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Learn Blender 3 - Orbit and Frame Selected Objects

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  • To frame all in 3D Viewport:

    • View -> Frame All
      • Hotkey: Home
  • To frame the selected object in the Viewport:

    • View -> Frame Selected
      • Hotkey: Numpad .
  • To orbit around selection

    • Edit -> Preferences... -> Navigation -> Orbit & Pan -> Orbit Around Selection
      • The orbit point is the selected object. Therefore, it will always stay visible in the viewport.
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Learn Blender 3 - 3D Navigation

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  • Navigation in the 3D environment

    • Pan
    • Zoom
    • Orbit
  • Pan

    • Move up, down, left, and right.
    • Shift + Middle mouse button
  • Zoom

    • Zoom in and out of the environment
    • Roll the middle mouse scroll wheel
      • OR if CTRL + middle mouse button
  • Orbit

    • Rotate around the environment
    • Middle mouse button
  • Top left corner in the 3D viewport tells you what your current view is.

  • Icons in the top right corner of the 3D viewport

    • Camera Icon uses the camera that is active in the scene.
      • Click on it again to toggle back.
    • You can toggle perspective and orthographic projection
      • Perspective is similar to how we see the world
        • Visually, parallel lines converge to a vanishing point
      • Orthographic view, lines do not converge to a vanishing point
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Learn Blender 3 - Area Editors

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  • Default layout is split into 4 with 4 different areas.

    • 3D Viewport (Shift F5)
    • Outliner (Shift F9)
    • Properties (Shift F7)
    • Timeline (Shift F12)
  • Every editor have a header at the top of the editor

    • It is context dependent on the editor
    • Top left will have the Editor Type selector
      • If you just hover over the editor type selector, it will give an
        description of the editor
  • 3D Viewport Here is where we affect the 3D environment.

    • You can
      • model
      • uv unwrap
      • texture
      • light
      • rig
      • animate
      • simulation
      • groom
  • Timeline plays animation and has transport controls like a video editor

    • Transport controls
      • Works when mouse is hovering over the 3D viewport area or the time line area
      • Play (Spacebar)
      • Play reverse (Shift + Ctrl + Spacebar)
      • Jump...
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