Learn Blender 3 - Extrusion Polybuild

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Extrusion Polybuild

  • e to extrude edge and vertices
  • f to build face of selected vertices
  • Polybuild tool all for drag and drop of faces and edges
  • Can turn on vertex snap with icon on top middle of viewport
  • Can turn on auto merge vertices with icon at top right in viewport
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Learn Blender 3 - Spin Tool

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Spin Tool


  • Shift + c cursor back to the center of the world
  • Hold Alt + Middle Mouse Button to focus where you pressed

How to use the spin tool

  • Go into face mode
  • Select a face
  • Select the spin tool
  • Choose axis on top
  • Press shift and right mouse button to place the manipulator
  • Choose clock-wise or counter clock-wise direction
  • Can move it with the left bottom menu or the move manipulator
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Learn Blender 3 - Bridge Fill Bevel

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Bridge, Fill, Bevel


  • Shift + d to duplicate components
    • Press x, y, or z to constrain the move onto that axis


  • Select edges (can be faces or holes)
    • Ctrl + e
    • Edge -> Bridge Edge Loops
    • There are other options in the bottom left HUD of the screen


  • Select a hole with edges and press f or

    • f

      • Vertex -> New Edge/Face from Vertices
  • `Face -> Fill` - `Alt + f` - `Face -> Grid Fill`
  • Only work if the selected hole have even number of selected edges


  • Ctrl + b
  • Use the bevel tool in the tool bar
    • The manipulator shows up for you to move the edges
    • There are other options in the bottom left HUD of the screen
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Learn Blender 3 - Extrude and Inset

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Extrude and Inset

Extrude a Face

  • Alt + e
  • e extrude
  • Go to edit mode
  • Select the faces you want to extrude
  • Choose the Extrude Region in the toolbar
  • You get an icon to extrude
  • If you extrude, you get a manipulator
    • There are options on the top right to make the manipulator Normal or XYZ
    • XYZ is affected by the Transformation Orientation at the top (i.e. Global, Local, Normal, ...)
  • If you press and hold the Extrude Region icon, you can choose different modes like
    • extrude along normal
    • extrude individual
    • extrude to cursor

Inset a face

  • i shortcut
  • Select a face and choose inset face tool
  • LEFT MOUSE BUTTON CLICK AND HOLD THE CIRCLE OUTLINE of the manipulator and click and drag towards the center of the insert
  • You can multi-select faces and do an insert.
    • The bottom right options lets you choose individual
    • The option is also at...
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Combine and Separate Geometry

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Combine and Separate Geometry

Combine Meshes into One Mesh

  • First, Shift + Left Mouse Button Click all the geometry object that you want to be joined
  • Second, Shift + Left Mouse Button Click the last geometry object that all the other geometry object will be joined to.
  • In the 3D Viewport menu, do Object -> Join
    • You can also use Ctrl + j

To Separate

  • In edit mode, hover the mouse over a linked area (also known as in other 3D packages as shell, element, island) press the l key to select the linked faces
  • While in Edit Mode In the 3D Viewport menu, do Mesh -> Separate -> Selection
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Learn Blender 3 - Deleting Components in a Mesh

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Delete Components in a Mesh

 Delete Vertices, Edges, and Faces

  • Select object's component (either vertices, edges, or faces) in edit mode in the viewport
  • Press the Delete key or x key
  • A floating menu shows up to choose what to delete
    • Deleting with the first part of the menu deletes all the geometry components to it
      • Try delete vertices, edges, faces. You will see that the components that cannot exist without them will be deleted.
    • Dissolve just removes that component but leave the surrounding components intacted.
  • Ctrl + x and Ctrl + Del dissolves edges
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Learn Blender 3 - Add Edges in Mesh

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Add Edges to Mesh

 Loop Cut Tool

  • Go to edit mode
  • The tools and icons on the right change
    • If you float over them, they tell you what they are
  • You can drag the side of the icons to put them
    • side by side
    • or by seeing the name
  • Icons with a triangle on the bottom right corner have sub-menus
  • You can use the loop cut tool to add edges
    • Ctrl + r
      • You can see short cuts if you hover your mouse and leave it for a few seconds over the icon.
    • By default, it is in the middle of the two parallel edges
      • If you left click the mouse button and hold and drag, you can position where it goes
  • When you let go of the left click and have the edge loop, there is a menu on the bottom left to configure things like the
    • number of cuts....
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Learn Blender 3 - Edit Multiple Objects and Workspaces

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Edit Multiple Objects and Workspaces

 Edit mode

  • Ctrl + Tab select in wheel the mode
    • Can use numbers hotkey in keyboard and numpad
  • Tab to go to toggle edit mode
  • Shift + a to add objects with pop-up menu
  • Can create multiple objects and edit them


  • There are pre-defined workspaces.
    • They are not new modes, they are just custom layout streamlined for your workflow
  • You can duplicate a workspace, rename it and customize it
  • Switching modes go to edit the selected objects in the contextual edit mode
    • Modeling goes to edit mode
    • Sculpt mode on selected
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Learn Blender 3 - Modeling Tools Introduction

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Modeling tools introduction

  • You can toggle to the orthographic view, click on the grid in the top right corner of the viewport.
    • Perspective view is when there is a vanishing point
    • Orthographic view does not have this vanishing point
  • Polygon tools only works on meshes
  • Must be in edit mode
    • You are deforming and manipulating
      • vertices (points, verts)
      • edges (lines, sides)
      • polygons (faces)
  • You can't select other objects while in edit mode
  • You can go into edit mode from
    • the top drop down
    • Ctrl + Tab
      • Tab only will toggle Object Mode and Edit Mode
    • 1, 2, 3 on the top keyboard
      • 1 vertices
      • 2 edges
      • 3 polygons
  • You can select the component in edit mode
    • vertices
    • edges
    • polygons
  • NOTE: You...
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Learn Blender 3 - Drawing Polygons in Blender

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Polygon Mesh - Drawing Polygons in Blender

  • Create a mesh object
    • Lets use a plane
  • Go into edit mode and delete all vertices
  • Go to top view
    • 7 on the numpad
    • Hold alt and orbit in viewport to snap to a view
    • Click on the positive z-axis in the top right corner
  • To add a vertex
    • Ctrl + Right Mouse Button Click in Edit Mode
    • NOTE: If the last vertex is selected it will draw a edge
      • You can click an empty area in the viewport to unselect
  • Select all the vertices and press the f button to create a face
  • Can check orientation of faces with Overlays -> Geometry -> Face Orientation
    • Make sure Overlays is enabled
    • Make sure backface culling is off
  • You can check backface culling with ...
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