Learn Blender 3 - 3D Navigation

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  • Navigation in the 3D environment

    • Pan
    • Zoom
    • Orbit
  • Pan

    • Move up, down, left, and right.
    • Shift + Middle mouse button
  • Zoom

    • Zoom in and out of the environment
    • Roll the middle mouse scroll wheel
      • OR if CTRL + middle mouse button
  • Orbit

    • Rotate around the environment
    • Middle mouse button
  • Top left corner in the 3D viewport tells you what your current view is.

  • Icons in the top right corner of the 3D viewport

    • Camera Icon uses the camera that is active in the scene.
      • Click on it again to toggle back.
    • You can toggle perspective and orthographic projection
      • Perspective is similar to how we see the world
        • Visually, parallel lines converge to a vanishing point
      • Orthographic view, lines do not converge to a vanishing point
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Learn Blender 3 - Area Editors

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  • Default layout is split into 4 with 4 different areas.

    • 3D Viewport (Shift F5)
    • Outliner (Shift F9)
    • Properties (Shift F7)
    • Timeline (Shift F12)
  • Every editor have a header at the top of the editor

    • It is context dependent on the editor
    • Top left will have the Editor Type selector
      • If you just hover over the editor type selector, it will give an
        description of the editor
  • 3D Viewport Here is where we affect the 3D environment.

    • You can
      • model
      • uv unwrap
      • texture
      • light
      • rig
      • animate
      • simulation
      • groom
  • Timeline plays animation and has transport controls like a video editor

    • Transport controls
      • Works when mouse is hovering over the 3D viewport area or the time line area
      • Play (Spacebar)
      • Play reverse (Shift + Ctrl + Spacebar)
      • Jump...
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Learn Blender 3 - Real-Estate and Areas

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  • Blender has
    • top menu bar
    • bottom status bar
  • Top menu bar has menu items
    • Blender Icon
    • File
    • Edit
    • Render
    • Window
    • Help
    • Tabs for different layouts
  • Status bar gives information on how to use the active tool
    • You can hide it if you click and hold and drag down on the bottom margin and drag down.
    • To show it again, click on the bottom border of the interface and drag up.
  • To maximize an area, hover over it and press CTRL+Spacebar, if you are on Windows. There should be something equivalent on each platform, such as possibly COMMAND and Spacebar.
  • Each area that is for viewing has an editor.
    • You can control and view scene information with it.
  • You can join, split, and scale areas.
    • This is very specific to Blender and...
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Learn Blender 3 - Blender Splash Screen and Quick Setup

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  • When you open Blender, you will get a Splash screen.

  • In the splash screen, there is quick setup where you can choose

    • Language
    • Shortcuts
      • Blender
      • Blender 27x
      • Industry Compatible
    • Select with
      • Left or Right
    • Spacebar
      • Play
      • Tools
      • Search
    • Theme
      • Blender Dark (Default)
    • You might have the option to load settings from previous versions of Blender as well.
  • You can click Save New Settings

    • Next time you open blender, the Splash Screen will look different.
  • You can change the options again in Blender Preferences

    • (Edit -> Preferences)
  • The default splash screen will have the option to choose the type of interface you can use.

    • It is just a pre-set layout designed to streamline specific tasks.
      • You can setup your...
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Learn Blender 3 - Download Blender

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Download Free Blender 3 Software, work files, and eBooks: https://www.proanywhere.com/learn-blender3-free-ebooks-and-files

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